Er Vaqar Gani Tantray

Er Vaqar Gani Tantray

(Board Member VMSSH)
  • Kashmir

Er Vaqar Gani Tantray

Er Vaqar Gani Tantray is a Biomedical Informatics Scientist-C at Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Soura, Srinagar, Jammu &Kashmir, and a member of JK Hope & Health Foundation (JKHHF).  He has done M-Tech in Biomedical Informatics from SRM, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, and PG Diploma in Data sciences

He has been an active member of the JK Hope and Health Foundation (JKHHF) since its inception. During the covid times, he, along with Doctors’ Group (Kashmir Healthcare Support Group) initiated a programme – ‘Dial a doctor’ – under which a helpline no. was established for on call consultations of Covid and Non Covid patients.He has been instrumental in providing logistic support in J&K to families of underprivileged Kids of the state going outside J&K for open heart surgeries, sponsored through JKHHF.